Don't you leave me alone
Is this all of me
Is there nothing more of me than this
I would rather be
One of the faces that you'll miss, no
Do you care, well I don't know, no
I'm struggling not to let go
Won't you lift me up
Lift me up or else I'll never stop
Don't you leave me alone
I've been through hell now show me heaven...aaah
Is there nothing more of me than this
I would rather be
One of the faces that you'll miss, no
Do you care, well I don't know, no
I'm struggling not to let go
Won't you lift me up
Lift me up or else I'll never stop
Don't you leave me alone
I've been through hell now show me heaven...aaah
Lia Florenz säger:
hej, jag undrar om du kan hjälpa mig med en sak;
Om min design ser likadan ut för dig som på bilden som finns i mitt senaste inlägg
Tack så mkt.